Last Supper Museum in Milan

Visiting Leondardo's Last Supper Museum in Milan

Only around 30 people are allowed to view the Last Supper for 15 minutes in the refectory of the Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery in Milan.

From left (heads): Bartholomew, James the Younger, Andrew, Judas Iscariot, Peter (Simon), John, Jesus Christ, Thomas, James the Older, Philip, Matthew, Judas Thaddeus, Simon Zealotes.

Note: Judas Iscariot leans back so his head is to the left of Peter. Judas, the only disciple facing away from the viewer, carries a bag of money in his hand, while Peter has a knife rather awkwardly in his hand behind Judas’ back.

Note the knot in the tablecloth on the far right. It is a wordplay on Italian for knot — il vincolo — and Da Vinci’s name. Such knots appear in several of Leonardo’s paintings and he might have thought of it as a signature or trade mark.