Published on

by Henk Bekker

in Basel, N24, Switzerland

Vincent van Gogh Landscapes Exhibition, Basel

Large Special Collection of Impressionist Paintings in the Kunstmuseum, Switzerland

Vincent van Gogh’s Landscapes Paintings Special Exhibition in the Kunstmuseum, Basel will be one of the greatest temporary art gallery shows in Europe 2009.

Blumenbeete in Holland, Vincent van Gogh April 1883, © National Gallery of Art Washington
Blumenbeete in Holland, Vincent van Gogh April 1883, © National Gallery of Art Washington

The Vincent van Gogh – Between Earth and Heaven: the Landscapes will be one of the best temporary art collections in Europe in 2009. The Kunstmuseum Basel (Art Museum) will host the Vincent van Gogh – Zwischen Erde und Himmel: Die Landschaften exhibition from April 26 to September 27, 2009. On display will be 70 Vincent van Gogh landscape paintings as well as more landscape paintings by Van Gogh’s contemporaries including French Impressionist and Fauvist painters.

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