Cheap Travel by Bus or Train from Munich to Prague

Eurolines business class buses

The cheapest way to travel between Munich and Prague is often on Flixbus coaches. Alex trains link München and Praha by rail. Intercity long-distance buses are usually the cheapest and fastest transportation between München in Bavaria and Praha in the Czech Republic. Flixbus has the highest number of buses on the Munich to Prague route … Read more

Cheap Megabus Bus Tickets and Journeys in Germany

Cheap Bus Tickets on Megabus in Germany

Note: During 2016, all German Postbus and continental European Megabus routes were taken over and are bookable via Flixbus. Megabus sells the cheapest tickets for traveling between cities inside Germany, e.g. Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Stuttgart. Cheap bus travel is also possible to cities in neighboring countries including Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Rotterdam. … Read more

Transportation from Dresden to Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (SXF)

Dresden Residenzschloss

Long-distance intercity buses rather than trains offer the fastest and cheapest public transportation between Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (SXF) and Dresden. Several coach companies provide transportation on this route including Flixbus and Student Agency. Frequent direct buses take around 2 hours from Berlin Airport to Dresden while the train is around an hour slower and always require … Read more

Cheap Travel on Megabus from Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Cologne


(Note: During 2016, all German Postbus and continental European Megabus routes were taken over and are bookable via Flixbus.) Megabus offers budget travelers very cheap discount bus tickets for traveling from Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt or Cologne in Germany to other European cities such as Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris and London. Intercity, long-distance bus travel is still increasing … Read more