Visit the Bargello Museum of Sculptures in Florence

Admiring Michelangelo's Bacchus with satyr in the Bargello Museum in Florence.

The Bargello Museum near the Uffizi has the best collection of Renaissance sculptures in Florence including several by Michelangelo and two Davids by Donatello. The Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Firenze focuses on medieval and Renaissance art. It is particularly famous for sculptures including some of the best works by Donatello (David, St George, Marzocco) … Read more

Save with the Firenze Card on Sightseeing in Florence

Florence Duomo from Michelangelo hill at night

The Firenze Card is a skip-the-line ticket for top attractions and museums in Florence including time-slot reservations for the Uffizi and Accademia galleries.  The Firenzecard (Florence Card) is a sightseeing pass that offers priority access to almost all top sights in Florence for a period of 72 hours. It is a particularly good deal in … Read more

Visit the Medici Chapels in San Lorenzo in Florence

Grave Monument of Lorenzo de Medici by Michelangelo

The Medici Chapels with Michelangelo sculptures in the San Lorenzo church complex form the mausoleum for the most powerful and best-known family in Renaissance Florence. The mausoleum of the Medici family in Florence is not surprisingly a grand affair. The huge Chapel of the Princes (Capella Dei Principi) is covered by the second largest cupola … Read more