Cheap Travel by Bus or Train from Munich to Prague

Eurolines business class buses

The cheapest way to travel between Munich and Prague is often on Flixbus coaches. Alex trains link München and Praha by rail. Intercity long-distance buses are usually the cheapest and fastest transportation between München in Bavaria and Praha in the Czech Republic. Flixbus has the highest number of buses on the Munich to Prague route … Read more

Cheap IC Buses of German Railways

The IC Bus is a long-distance, intercity coach service operated by German Railways (Deutsche Bahn). It provides cheap transportation on routes not well covered by railways. German Railways rules and savings are usually applied, which mean cheap deals for families. Cheap, luxury intercity IC buses run by German Railways / Deutsche Bahn offer transportation on … Read more

Cheap Transportation from Frankfurt Airport to Strasbourg

Lufthansa plane at FRA

Buses such as the Lufthansa Express and Flixbus are the cheapest way to travel from Frankfurt Airport to Strasbourg. Trains are faster but more expensive. The Lufthansa Express Bus and Flixbus coaches are the best way to travel between Frankfurt Airport and Straßburg. Trains are a good alternative but always require at least one transfer. … Read more