Travel By Bus or Train from Nuremberg to Prague

The cheapest, fastest, and best way to travel from Nuremberg (Nürnberg) in Germany to Prague (Praha) in the Czech Republic is by bus (Flixbus) — trains are slower and require a transfer. The best way to travel on public transportation from Nuremberg to Prague is on the comfortable long-distance, intercity coaches of Flixbus. The direct … Read more

Cheap Transportation from Frankfurt Airport to Strasbourg

Lufthansa plane at FRA

Buses such as the Lufthansa Express and Flixbus are the cheapest way to travel from Frankfurt Airport to Strasbourg. Trains are faster but more expensive. The Lufthansa Express Bus and Flixbus coaches are the best way to travel between Frankfurt Airport and Straßburg. Trains are a good alternative but always require at least one transfer. … Read more