Buy the Bayern Ticket to Save on Train, Bus, and Tram Travel in Bavaria
The Bayern Ticket is a great public transportation savings deal for travel on trains and buses in Bavaria.
The Bayern Ticket is a great public transportation savings deal for travel on trains and buses in Bavaria.
Getting from Munich Airport (MUC) to Nuremberg (Nürnberg) in Bavaria is fairly easy by car, shuttle buses, or trains via München Hauptbahnhof.
Getting to Nuremberg (Nürnberg) in the Franconia region (Franken) in Bavaria (Bayern) is easy by car, plane, or train.
German Railways (DB Deutsche Bahn) has fast trains to the Nürnberger Chirstkindlesmarkt (Nuremberg Christmas Market). Many cheap savings deals are available. German Railways trains give travelers many and flexible transportation options to the Nuremberg Christmas market (Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt) in Germany. Fast Inter-City-Express (ICE) trains as well as cheap local trains go to Nuremberg from many … Read more
Getting to Salzburg in Austria from Munich Airport (Flughafen München MUC) in Bavaria, Germany, is easy by car but cheaper by train or bus. Getting to Salzburg in Austria from Flughafen München (MUC) in Bavaria, Germany, is easy by car, intercity bus or train. Using the fast Autobahn, driving to Salzburg should take around two … Read more
The cheapest transportation to Allgäu Memmingen Airport (Munich West) is often by train and bus combined with the Deutsche Bahn Bayern Ticket. The Allgäu Airport Express is faster and more convenient while further long-distance buses offer limited but cheap services. Getting to Allgäu Memmingen (Munich West) Airport (FMM) on public transportation is easiest with the Allgäu Airport … Read more
The Allgäu-Airport-Express is generally the cheapest and easiest way to travel by shuttle bus to Memmingen Airport (Munich West) from München, St Gallen and Zurich. Getting to Memmingen Airport (Munich West, Flughafen Allgäu Memmingen, or FMM) is generally the cheapest and easiest on the Allgäu Airport Express buses. This airport shuttle bus service has direct … Read more
Buses and trains are the cheapest public transportation to Flughafen Allgäu / Memmingen (FMM), a small airport to the west of Munich (München) in Germany. Driving is easy too and a faster option to many rural destinations and ski resorts. The easiest public transportation to Memmingen Airport (also known as Munich West or Flughafen Allgäu … Read more