Visitors Information for the Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover

Bell Fountain in the Great Garden in Herrenhausen

Visitors information and tips for the Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover — opening hours, ticket prices, events, and transportation to the Herrenhäuser Gärten. The extended Herrenhausen Gardens (Herrenhäuser Gärten) area in Hannover in Germany includes four gardens, a small museum (in the palace), and the Sea Life Center Hannover aquarium. Admission is charged for the magnificent … Read more

Visit the German Tank Museum (Deutsches Panzermuseum) in Munster near Hamburg

German Panzer IV

The German Tank Museum (Deutsches Panzermuseum) has around 150 tanks and related vehicles on display from the earliest examples to modern NATO equipment. The German Tank Museum (Deutsches Panzermuseum Munster) explains the history and development of tanks from the First World War to the present. The museum has around 150 tanks and similar armored vehicles … Read more

Visit the Roemer-Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim, Germany

The Roemer-Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim has an excellent collection of Ancient Egyptian and Peruvian art, Chinese porcelain and temporary exhibitions. The Altes Reich (Old Kingdom) collection in the Roemer-Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim is considered one of the top four in the world making a visit to this interesting museum a fascinating addition to visiting the … Read more

Visit Volkswagen Autostadt in Wolfsburg, Germany

Zeithaus museum in Autostadt, Wolfsburg.

Autostadt at the VW automobile factory in Wolfsburg is a visitor experience attraction celebrating the car brands and history of the Volkswagen Group. Ultramodern architecture is used for the glass-and-steel buildings that house brand pavilions in a large park landscape. It is all glitzy PR but a fun trip with the ZeitHaus alone offering one … Read more

Visit the Volkswagen Auto Museum in Wolfsburg

Auto Museum Volkswagen

AutoMuseum Volkswagen is the official museum of the Volkswagen brand in Wolfsburg. It is a great visit, quite different from the nearby glitzy VW Autostadt. At the Volkswagen Museum, the historic cars rather than the branding and PR are the stars. The Volkswagen Museum is separate from Autostadt (and its ZeitHaus car museum) but in … Read more