Cheap Transportation to Chartres Cathedral and Day-Trip Tours from Paris

Public transportation is cheap from Paris to see the magnificent stained-glass window of Chartres Cathedral including the Blue Virgin

Public transportation is cheap from Paris to see the magnificent stained-glass windows of Chartres Cathedral or take a guided bus tour that could include visiting the Palace of Versailles en route. Chartres cathedral with the finest collection of medieval stained-glass windows in France is a popular day-trip destination from Paris. Transportation from Paris to Chartres … Read more

Visit the Dom zu Halberstadt with Cathedral Treasury (Domschatz) in Germany

Detail of the Arm Relic St Nicholaus in Halberstadt Cathedral Treasury

Visit the gothic Dom zu Halberstadt in Saxony-Anhalt to see one of the best and most important medieval cathedral treasuries (Domschatz) in Germany. The Dom St. Stephanus und St. Sixtus (Cathedral of St Stephen and St Sixtus) in Halberstadt in Saxony-Anhalt is one of the finest French gothic churches in Germany. However, it is most … Read more

Visit the Jacobikirche in Stendal to See Medieval Art and Stained-Glass Windows

Stained glass windows in the St. Jacobikirche in Stendal

The St. Jacobikirche (St James) in Stendal is a brick Gothic hall church with magnificent medieval art and the oldest stained-glass windows in Northern Germany. Stendal is the largest town in the Altmark region of northern Saxony-Anhalt in Germany. It was relatively rich during the late Middle Ages and benefited from being a garrison town … Read more

See the Borman Altar in St Mary’s (St Marien) Brick Gothic Church in Güstrow

Borman Altar Detail in Güstrow

The brick Gothic St Marienkirche in Güstrow in Germany is famous for its magnificent Borman winged altar retable with 181 painted wood-carved figures. St Mary’s parish church in Güstrow near Rostock in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in northern Germany is a large brick Gothic hall church. Although part of the church dates from the early 16th century, it … Read more