Gothic Churches

Published on

by Henk Bekker

in France, N24, Paris

Visit Sainte-Chapelle Paris to See the Best Stained-Glass Windows

Visit Sainte-Chapelle to see the best stained-glass windows in Paris -- buy the cheapest tickets and book essential free time-slot reservations online.

Visit Sainte-Chapelle to see the best stained-glass windows in Paris — buy the cheapest tickets and book essential free time-slot reservations online. The small Gothic church of Sainte-Chapelle on the Île de la Cité island in the Seine in the heart of Paris is famous for its magnificent stained-glass windows. Two-thirds of the glass are … Read more

Cheap Transportation to Chartres Cathedral and Day-Trip Tours from Paris

Public transportation is cheap from Paris to see the magnificent stained-glass window of Chartres Cathedral including the Blue Virgin

Public transportation is cheap from Paris to see the magnificent stained-glass windows of Chartres Cathedral or take a guided bus tour that could include visiting the Palace of Versailles en route. Chartres Cathedral with the finest collection of medieval stained-glass windows in France is a popular day-trip destination from Paris. Transportation from Paris to Chartres … Read more

See the Borman Altar in St Mary’s (St Marien) Brick Gothic Church in Güstrow

Borman Altar Detail in Güstrow

The brick Gothic St Marienkirche in Güstrow in Germany is famous for its magnificent Borman winged altar retable with 181 painted wood-carved figures. St Mary’s parish church in Güstrow near Rostock in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in northern Germany is a large brick Gothic hall church. Although part of the church dates from the early 16th century, it … Read more

Visit the Antwerp Cathedral with Rubens Paintings

Antwerp Cathedral

Antwerpen Kathedraal is largest Gothic church in the Netherlands but four Rubens altar paintings and other art are often the main draw. The Cathedral of Our Lady (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal) in Antwerp is the largest Gothic building in the Dutch-speaking world. Its single belfry is the tallest church tower in Belgium and on the UNESCO World Cultural … Read more

See Top Sights in Strasbourg in Alsace, France

High-Gothic Cathedral, Museums, Half-Timbered Houses, La Petite France

The top sights in Strasbourg, France include the High Gothic cathedral, the romantic half-timbered houses in La Petite France, the Maison Kammerzell, and great museums.

credit: teclasorg

Strasbourg in Alsace, France is an important industrial center and houses several European Union institutions. However, the top tourist sights include the romantic, medieval old town, half-timbered houses, one of Europe’s greatest High Gothic cathedrals, top museums, and a joie-de-vie ambiance in endless bistros, restaurants, and outdoor street cafés.

Hotel prices in Strasbourg vary according to activities of especially the European Union institutions – when no major meeting and conferences are staged, luxury hotels in especially the outskirts of the town center can be very cheap. Hotels in smaller Alsace towns are also very pleasant especially when driving and not relying on public transportation. Use major internet hotel reservation services to compare prices and try and determine when hotels are full – huge savings can be had by traveling a week earlier or later than major events.

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Visit the Strasbourg Cathedral in Alsace, France

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg

The High Gothic Strasbourg Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre Dame) in Alsace, France is a single-tower church with medieval stained-glass windows and an impressive astronomical clock. Strasbourg Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg) is a superb example of Late High Gothic architecture and art to make it one of Europe’s greatest churches.. Although only one of its … Read more

See Top Sights in Mainz near Frankfurt, Germany

Dom Cathedral, Chagall Church Windows, Roman Ships, & Gutenberg Museum Top sights in Mainz are the Romanesque-Gothic cathedral (Dom), Chagall windows, and the Roman Ships and Gutenberg Museums. Transportation from Frankfurt Airport is easy. photo credit: Luhai Wong The historic city Mainz is a popular destination for travelers with a short stop-over at Frankfurt International … Read more