Cheap discount cards and travel passes offer the best savings deals on Berlin public transportation ticket prices when traveling by bus, tram, and train (S & U-Bahn).
Berlin has a comprehensive public transportation system, which combines seamless travel on buses, trams, and trains. Over thirty ticket versions are available making it worth calculating in advance which ticket or transportation pass will give the best deal and largest discounts when visiting Berlin. Prices listed for tickets are valid from 2024 and although prices may increase, the relative positions will usually not change. As prices tend to rise in tandem, a day pass for example will continue to be cheaper than three single tickets. The various Berlin Welcome Cards are also popular with tourists as they combine public transportation with admissions and discounts on top sights in Berlin.
Berlin public transportation ticket prices in 2025: €3.80 for AB and €4.70 for ABC tickets.
Buying Single Tickets for Berlin Buses and Trains
Single tickets for public transportation in Berlin, not altogether surprisingly, come in various versions. The standard single ticket (Einzelfahrschein) is valid for travel of up to two hours – journeys may be interrupted and transfers between buses, trains, and trams are allowed but return journeys require a new ticket.
Single tickets are €3.50 for zone AB and €4.40 for ABC. For zone AB, four single tickets (4-Fahrten Karten) cost €10.80, and for zone ABC four single tickets cost €15.
When traveling only a short distance, the short-distance ticket (Kurzstrecke) ticket at €2.40 is useful. It allows for travel in the same direction for three U or S-Bahn stops (transfers between trains allowed), or six bus or tram stops – transfers not allowed. Note that the bus stops where express buses do not stop must be calculated too.
→ See Savings Tips on Public Transportation Tickets in Berlin for an explanation of the fare zones — basically AB is central Berlin, ABC larger Berlin including Potsdam, Oranienburg, and Berlin-Brandenburg Airport.
Save with Day Tickets on Berlin Public Transportation
Visitors to Berlin will usually save on transportation costs by using day or multi-day passes. Basic day tickets are cheaper than three single journeys.
The most basic version is the day ticket. Previously referred to as a Tageskarte these are now 24-Stunden-Karten and thus valid for 24 hours after first validation rather than for a calendar day. These day passes or travel cards are €9.90 for zone AB and €11.40 for ABC. (Up to three children aged 6 to 14 may travel with an adult on a day ticket.)
The small group ticket (Kleingruppenkarte) allows five people to travel together for a day for €31.00 in zone AB or €33.00 for ABC. Children 6 to 14 must be counted.
Save with Week and Month Tickets on Bus, Train, and Trams in Berlin
The VBB-Umweltkarte is of interest to visitors staying five days or longer in Berlin. It comes in two versions: seven days or a month. It is valid from the moment of validation up to midnight of the last day of validity – e.g. a week card validated on Monday morning or evening is valid up to midnight the following Sunday.
The Berlin week pass is €41.50 for zone AB and €49 for ABC while the month ticket is €99 for zone AB and €119 for ABC. (The Deutschland-Ticket may be a better option but read the fine print!)
A further advantage of the month VBB-Umweltkarte is that an accompanying passenger and up to three children aged 14 years or younger may be taken on the bus or train for free after 8 pm (up to 3 am the following day) on weekdays and all day on weekends and national holidays.
VBB-Umweltkarte cannot be bought on buses but are available from U-Bahn vending machines and all other public transportation ticket offices.
Another month ticket worth considering is the 10 o’clock month ticket (10-Uhr-Monatsticket). It may only be used on weekdays after 10 am (and up to 3 am) but without restriction on weekends. (In contrast to previous practice, it is no longer bound to a calendar month and may be started any day of the month.) The 10-Uhr-Monatsticket is €71.40 for zone AB and €87.40 for ABC.
Which Cheap Berlin Public Transportation Ticket is the Best to Buy?
The calculation of which ticket or travel card to buy is relatively simple. Three tickets in a day cost more than a day pass. A group of three (to five) travels cheaper on a small group day ticket, even if the third person is a child.
A VBB-Umweltkarte week ticket is cheaper than five day tickets, while a month ticket is cheaper than three week tickets (or two week tickets and four day tickets). The 10 o’clock month ticket can be cheaper than two regular week tickets if the hours work out fine.
Tourists should also consider special Berlin visitors discount passes that give access to unlimited transportation as well as discounts on sightseeing, tours, entertainment, and restaurants.
Save on Transportation in Berlin and Germany with a Deutschland-Ticket Subscription
An alternative to these tickets is the Deutschland-Ticket (Germany Ticket) which strictly speaking is not a ticket. It is a monthly season ticket subscription but at €49 per month and is valid on all local trains, buses, metros, trams, and ferries throughout Germany. This “D-Ticket” offers excellent value but as a subscription, it comes with specific rules and cancelation regulations but it is well worth considering.
→ See Cheap Travel on the €49 Deutschland-Ticket Germany Train Pass for details but read the fine print before signing up. It is only available online and never sold at ticket machines or at stations.
Also, see general tips on using the Berlin transportation system as well as suggested bus routes for seeing the best of Berlin. Many organized tours and day trips are also available while hop-on hop-off buses provide direct connections between major sights. The various Berlin Welcome Cards are also popular with tourists as they combine public transportation with admissions and discounts on top sights in Berlin.