Visit Den Gamle By Open-Air Museum in Aarhus

Den Gamle By in Aarhus

Den Gamle By in Aarhus in Denmark is a large family-friendly open-air museum with typical historic old town buildings from the 1700s to the mid-1970s. Around 75 buildings in Den Gable By combine to show Danish town life in bygone years. Buildings range from poorhouses to noble town palaces with many open to visitors and … Read more

Visit Bad Windsheim’s Franconian Open-Air Museum & Spa, Bavaria

Bad Windsheim in Franken, Bavaria has the interesting Franconian Open-Air Museum, a mostly Baroque old town, and a modern spa with mineral salt baths.

Bad Windsheim Fränkisches Freilandmuseum (Photo Janericloebe / Wikimedia Commons)

Bad Windsheim, at the edge of the Steigerwald, has an interesting old town and modern spa facilities but the main attraction is the Franconian Open Air Museum (Fränkisches Freilandmuseum), one of the largest and most interesting in Europe.

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Colmberg with Staufen Castle Hotel and Restaurant in Bavaria, Germany

Burg Colmberg Castle Hotel in Germany

Colmberg is a romantic town in Franconia, Bavaria with a famous Staufen-era castle – now a hotel and restaurant – and a pleasant old town with half-timbered houses.

Burg Colmberg Catsle Hotel (Photo Die Burgenstraße)

Colmberg is a typical romantic Franken town with numerous half-timbered houses. The main reason to visit can be seen from afar – Burg Colmberg that towers over the town from a hill around 50m/160 ft higher than the surrounding countryside. This Staufen castle is open to visitors and has a reasonably priced hotel and restaurant.

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Top Sights to See in Heilsbronn in Franken, Bavaria, Germany

Hohenzollern Tombs in Heilsbronn, Germany

Heilsbronn in Franken, Bavaria is mostly visited to see the Romanesque Klosterkirche (Monastery Church) with altars, art, and the tombs of Hohenzollern rulers.

© Wolfgang Sauber / Wikimedia Commons

Heilsbronn’s history goes back to 1132 when the bishop of Bamberg founded a monastery here at the conjunction of the territories of the Bishoprics of Bamberg, Würzburg, and Eichstätt. The monastery was once one of the richest in Franken but following secularization in the 16th century, the area lost in importance. The community surrounding the former monastery in Heilsbronn only received town rights in 1932.

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