American Second World War Cemetery in Luxembourg

Visit the US Military Memorial in Hamm and Grave of General George S Patton

The American Military Cemetery and Memorial in Hamm outside Luxembourg city has the graves of General George Patton and other US soldiers who died during the Second World War.

The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in Hamm

The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial is located just outside Luxemburg city in the suburb Hamm close to the airport. This peaceful memorial site has the graves of over 5,000 American soldiers and military personnel who died in the vicinity during the Second World War. The majority of the American soldiers buried here died during the Battle of the Bulge. The most famous soldier buried in Luxemburg is General George S Patton who died shortly after the war. Transportation to the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial is easy by private car but a bit complicated and requiring a long walk if using the bus.

The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial, Hamm

The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in the suburb Hamm has the graves of 5,076 American soldiers who died during in the region during the Second World War. (Only one woman is buried here.) The majority of the US soldier buried here died during the famous Battle of the Bulge but some graves are for soldiers who died while fighting to the west of the Rhine and during air raids. 101 graves are for the bodies of unidentified men.

The very costly Battle of the Bulge is the generally used term for what is officially according to the US Army the Battle of the Ardennes and in German Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein (Operation Watch on the Rhine). The exceedingly bloody battle was fought from December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945. The official casualty figures from this battle alone are 80,987 American, around 1,400 British, and 84,834 German deaths.

The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in Hamm

The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial is one of the 24 foreign cemeteries cared for by the American Battle Monuments Commission. This 50-acre cemetery is quietly located inside a forested area. It is calm and peaceful and a very appropriate and dignified final resting place for soldiers who died during the Second World War.

The graves at the Luxemburg American Cemetery are marked by small, white crosses arranged fan-shaped facing the chapel and memorial constructions. All graves are marked the same, except for the 118 Jewish soldiers buried here whose gravestones have the Star of David rather than the traditional Christian cross. Pylons and bronze epitaphs have explanations of the battles that were fought in the region. The names of 371 American soldiers missing in action are also honored here.

The grave of General George S. Patton (1885-1945), who died on December 21, 1945 in Germany after a car accident, is set somewhat apart. The gravestone is similar to those of the other soldiers but the high number of visitors who wanted to see General Patton’s grave made it necessary to relocate his grave to a more protected area.

Transportation to the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in Hamm

The Luxembourg American Cemetery is located in the Bois de Hamm forest just outside Luxembourg city and close to Luxemburg Airport.

Driving to the Luxembourg American Cemetery in Hamm

The Luxemburg American Cemetery and Memorial can easily be reached by private car. Signposting is very clear from the large Rond Pont Robert Schaffner traffic circle (roundabout) From the circle, follow the road to Remich and Saarbrücken. Turn right at the first street, Allee Dwight D Eisenhower, which leads directly to the cemetery.

From downtown Luxembourg City, follow directions to the airport and continue as described from the traffic circle. From Luxemburg airport, follow Route de Tréves towards the A1 and Luxemburg City up to the traffic circle Pont Robert Schaffner. From the Autobahn A1, use exit 7 to the traffic circle.

Ample free parking is available.

Bus 15 plus Walking to the Luxembourg American Cemetery in Hamm

The previously very convenient bus 8 from Luxembourg station to the American Cemetery is no longer operational. The best bet for public transportation is now bus 15 plus around a kilometer walk. Thanks to Erwin Franzen for providing the following suggestion:

Take bus No. 15 to “Hamm / rue de Bitbourg” and get off at the last but one stop called “Käschtewee.” From there it’s a 3/4-mile walk to the cemetery – there are several signs along the way. – The bus departs in Luxembourg from in front of the Mercure Alfa Hotel across the street from the main city train station every 15 minutes on weekdays, 20 minutes on Saturdays and 40 minutes on Sundays and local holidays — and takes about a quarter of an hour to “Käschtewee”.

Public buses run from Luxemburg to the Luxemburg American Cemetery in Hamm in about 20 minutes. Bus 8 connects Gare Central Alfa and the American Cemetery once per hour. Although three bus 8 services leave the station per hour, only buses with the “Hamm/US Military Cemetery” go all the way to the cemetery. Presently, these buses leave at 28 minutes past the hour.

From Monday to Saturday, the first bus to the cemetery leaves the station at 9:28 am while buses leave the cemetery hourly from 9:52 am to 3:52 pm. On Sundays and public holidays, buses are significantly less frequent. Double check return times as the cemetery is in a fairly isolated area.

Opening Hours of the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial

Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm. Admission is gratis and a visitors’ center is available to help with finding specific graves. The cemetery is only closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day.

Luxemburg is at the geographical center of Western Europe. Transportation to Luxemburg is easy whether by private car, trains, or flying. Hotels in Luxembourg can be expensive but on weekends special deals are often available in hotels such as the Novotel Luxemburg Centre that mostly caters for business travelers.

Henk Bekker in armor

About the author:

Henk Bekker

Henk Bekker is a freelance travel writer with over 20 years of experience writing online. He is particularly interested in history, art, and culture. He has lived most of his adult life in Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark. In addition to, he also owns a travel website on the Lake Geneva region of Switzerland and maintains statistical websites on car sales and classic car auction prices. Henk holds an MBA from Edinburgh Business School and an MSc in Development Finance from the University of London.

European Traveler
Lake Geneva
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