
Published on

by Henk Bekker

in Belgium, Flanders

Visit the Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp

Printing presses in the Museum Plantin-Moretus.

The printing shop and residence of the Plantin-Moretus family in Antwerpen is the only museum inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list. The Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp, Belgium, is a masterful example of a rich patrician house of the 17th and 18th centuries with printing workshop. The house is mostly furnished in the Renaissance and Baroque … Read more

Visit the Museum Gouda in South Holland

marquette of Gouda

The family-friendly Museum Gouda covers local history, torture implements and art in a Dutch city mostly famous for cheese. The Museum Gouda is a local history museum located inside a former hospital across the alley from the St Janskerk in the heart of Gouda. The museum has an eclectic collection that will satisfy the curiosity of … Read more

Miro, Monet, Velazquez and Toulouse-Lautrec Exhibitions in Vienna 2014

Joan Miró Vögel und Insekten

In 2014, special temporary exhibitions in Vienna, Austria, will focus on the art of Joan Miró, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Claude Monet and Diego Velázquez. Vienna has several excellent art museums with wonderful permanent collections. However, Vienna’s main museums also stage spectacular temporary exhibitions with world-class works by major artists. In 2014, major solo artist exhibitions … Read more

Visit the Brescia City Museum Santa Giulia

Marble peacock carving from the eighth century

The Museo della Citta in Brescia is an interesting local history museum inside a historic monastery complex. It is one of the best museums in Northern Italy. The City Museum (Museo della Citta) is a wonderful local history museum in Brescia in Lombardy. The museum covers all periods from prehistory to the nineteenth century. In … Read more