Visit the Overloon War Museum in The Netherlands

B-25 Mitchel Bomber in the Overloon Museum

The Overloon Oorlogsmuseum in Liberty Park near Eindhoven and Nijmegen with its collection of military vehicles is the largest war museum in The Netherlands. The Overloon Oorlogsmuseum is the largest war museum in The Netherlands. The museum is in Liberty Park where the largest tank battle in Dutch history took place during the Second World … Read more

Visiting the Resistance Museum (Verzetsmuseum) in Amsterdam

Resistance Museum

The Verzetsmuseum in Amsterdam covers the history of Dutch resistance to the German occupation during the Second World War. It has a special junior section for children. The Dutch Resistance Museum (Verzetsmuseum) in Amsterdam is a remarkable exhibition on The Netherlands during the Second World War. It covers the run-up to the war, the occupation … Read more

Visit the German Battery at Longues-sur-Mer in Normandy

German Gun at Longues-sur-Mer

The Batterie allemande near Bayeux in Normandy is a well-preserved German coastal defense battery with four guns used on D-Day still in place. Longues-sur-Mer on the coast of Normandy near Arromanches and Bayeux has the only German coastal defense battery classified as an historic monument on the D-Day landing beaches. The British and French navies … Read more

Visit La Pointe du Hoc in Normandy

La Pointe du Hoc in Normandy

The capture of Pointe du Hoc by US Rangers was one of the most heroic acts on D-Day. The bomb-scarred terrain and battery are open to visitors. The cliff top German gun battery at Pointe du Hoc was one of the prime Allied targets at the start of D-Day on June 6, 1944. US Rangers … Read more