Cheap Travel by Bus or Train from Munich to Prague

Eurolines business class buses

The cheapest way to travel between Munich and Prague is often on Flixbus coaches. Alex trains link München and Praha by rail. Intercity long-distance buses are usually the cheapest and fastest transportation between München in Bavaria and Praha in the Czech Republic. Flixbus has the highest number of buses on the Munich to Prague route … Read more

Cheap Buses from London to Paris

View from the Louvre Museum

Flixbus, Oui Bus, Eurolines and Alsa long-distance intercity coaches are by far the cheapest way to travel between London and Paris. Deals as cheap as €15 are common. Long-distance intercity buses continue to compete with Eurostar trains and airlines when traveling between London and Paris. Although coaches are much slower than the high-speed trains, ticket … Read more

Cheap Travel by Bus between Brussels and Paris

Flixbus (Megabus), Eurolines, and Ouibus offer cheap intercity bus travel and the best deals for coach transportation between Paris and Brussels (Bruxelles). Buses may not be the fastest or most comfortable way to travel between Paris and Brussels but they are often by far the cheapest transportation between the capitals of France and Belgium. Flixbus … Read more

Cheap Travel by Bus from London to Brussels

Maison des ducs de Brabant Brussels

Intercity coaches by Megabus, Idbus, Student Agency and National Express / Eurolines are often the cheapest way to travel from London to Brussels. Long-distance bus services offer an alternative to Eurostar trains when traveling between London and Brussels. These intercity coaches are slower and less comfortable than the high-speed trains but ticket prices are often … Read more