
Published on

by Henk Bekker

in Aachen, Germany, N24, North Rhine-Westphalia NRW

Interior of Aachen Cathedral

Aachen Cathedral Interior

Aachen Cathedral blends original Carolingian elements with later mostly Gothic decorations and additions as well as modern Byzantine-style mosaics.. Aachen Cathedral is one of the shiniest cathedrals in Germany. The interior shows an unusual amount of gold while the Byzantine-style mosaics add color and bling to what is in part a fairly dark building. The … Read more

See the Gothic Choir of Aachen Cathedral

Gothic Aachen Cathedral Choir

The choir of the Aachener Dom contains the shrine of Charlemagne, further relics, and magnificent Ottonian and Romanesque art. The magnificent choir area of the Aachen Cathedral in western Germany has the remains of Charlemagne (Karl der Grosse / Charles the Great) in a large gilded early 13th-century shrine (Karlsschrein). The Mary shrine (Marienschrein) from … Read more

See the Aachen Cathedral Treasury in Germany

Karlsbüste in Aachen

The Aachener Domschatz is one of the most important treasuries in Europe with art related to Charlemagne, German royal coronations, liturgy, and relics. The Aachen Cathedral Treasury (Aachener Domschattz) is one of the largest and most important treasuries of medieval Christian artworks in Europe. The treasury has over a hundred works that are exhibited in … Read more

Transportation to Aachen in Germany

Vintage Mercedes on Aachen Markt

Getting to Aachen is easy by car, train, bus and plane from other parts of Germany, the UK, Belgium, The Netherlands and Paris. Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) is in the far western parts of Germany close to the borders with The Netherland and Belgium. It is also the closest significant German city to Britain. Aachen is on … Read more