Cheap buses and saving deals on trains provide fast transportation between Szczecin (Stettin) in Poland and Berlin Airports (Tegel TXL or Schönefeld SXF). Buses are usually the cheapest public transportation for individuals but families and small groups may often save by using the Brandenburg-Berlin Ticket on the trains of Deutsche Bahn. The train is also a sound option for delayed arrivals, as no reservations are needed. Advance reservation bus tickets for travel between Berlin and Szczecin (Stettin) are as cheap as €11 (or cheaper) while five can travel for €29 by train.
Expect to pay around €300 for a private airport transfer for the 190 km (2 hour) journey between Berlin-Schoenefeld and Szczecin (Stettin). Private airport shuttles are best reserved in advance and on such a long journey comparing offers could result in real savings.
By Bus from Berlin Airports to Szczecin (Stettin)
Buses are a convenient option for traveling between Berlin’s airports Tegel (TXL) or Schönefeld (SXF) and Szczecin (Stettin) in Poland. Buses are direct, which is convenient especially when traveling with luggage, but often not nonstop, especially when traveling from Tegel.
Bus tickets may be bought online or directly from the bus driver, if seats are available. A new ticket is required if the bus is missed for whatever reason. Bus ticket prices generally range from around €7 to €25 but usually around €11 when bought a few days prior to travel.
Buses from Berlin-Schönefeld to Szczecin (Stettin)
Intercity buses between Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (SXF) and Szczecin (Stettin) are a very good option, as these buses need not pass through Berlin. The driving time is usually two and a half hours.
Two Polish bus companies currently offer bus services on the Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (SXF)-Szczecin (Stettin) route: PKS Szcecin (every two hours) and Interglobus / Follow me! (hourly).
Buses from Berlin-Tegel to Szczecin (Stettin)
Intercity buses between Berlin-Tegel Airport (TXL) and Szczecin (Stettin) are not nonstop and usually call en route at Berlin ZOB bus station and often at Schönefeld Airport too en route to Poland. Traveling time is usually just over three hours.
Two Polish bus companies currently offer bus services on the Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (SXF)-Szczecin (Stettin) route: PKS Szcecin (every two hours) and Interglobus / Follow me! (hourly). The Interglobus buses on this route may also be booked through the German intercity bus giant Flixbus that often has very good special deals.
By Train from Berlin Airports to Szczecin (Stettin)
Traveling by train from Berlin Airports Tegel or Schönefeld always require at least one transfer, which is a schlep when traveling with luggage, but the trains do offer some advantages. Only regional trains operate on this routing so no reservations or specific train needs to be booked in advance, the Brandenburg-Berlin Ticket offers great savings to families and small groups, and all the usual Deutsche Bahn discounts may be applied.
The standard train fare from Berlin Airports to Szczecin (Stettin) is around €40 in second class, or €29 (for up to five!) if the Berlin-Brandenburg-Ticket is used.
By Train from Berlin-Tegel (TXL) to Szczecin (Stettin)
Train travel from Berlin-Tegel (TXL) to Szczecin (Stettin) in Poland can be as fast as 2:12 but more commonly around 2:30, which is still faster than the intercity buses. Avoid more complicated routings taking over three hours.
The basic routing is:
- From Berlin-Tegel, take JetExpressBus TXL to Berlin-Hauptbahnhof and from here an RE or RB train to Angermünde (just less than an hour) and change here to the train to Szczecin Glowny (Stettin Main Train Station), which takes around an hour.
Also worth considering is the JetExpresBus TXL from Tegel to Beusselstraße (three stops), then S41 train to Gesundbrunnen (3 stops) and then the same train to Poland. (Use S42 if traveling towards Tegel.) The RE5800 departing 08:05 from Berlin-Gesundbrunnen goes directly to Szczecin (Stettin) – the Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket may be used on this train any day (but not on the buses or any trains on weekdays before 9 am).
See the timetables and book directly at Deutsche Bahn (German Railways):
The Berlin-Brandenburg-Ticket covers both bus and railway journeys but a standard railway ticket bought online will not cover the bus trip from Tegel. If traveling via the Hauptbahnhof, buy an AB ticket (€2.70), if traveling only to Beusselstraße, buy a Kurzstrecke / Short trip ticket (€1.70) – the German Railways ticket is valid on the S-Bahn train from here.
By Train from Berlin-Schönefeld (SXF) to Szczecin (Stettin)
Train travel from Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (SXF) to Szczecin (Stettin) in Poland takes just less than three hours.
The basic routing is:
- From Berlin-Schönefeld, take S-Bahn S45 to Berlin-Südkreuz (around 30 minutes). From Südkreuz station, take a train to Angermünde (just less than an hour) and change here to the train to Szczecin Glowny (Stettin Main Train Station), which takes around an hour. At some times, the airport express train to Berlin Hauptbahnhof will work out faster. Avoid more complicated routing, if possible.
See the timetables and book directly at Deutsche Bahn (German Railways):
- Berlin Schönefeld Airport (SXF) to Szczecin (Stettin) / Szczecin (Stettin) to Berlin Schönefeld Airport (SXF)
Save with the Berlin-Brandenburg-Ticket
The Berlin-Brandenburg-Ticket is a special savings ticket (Länderticket) sold by German Railways – it is available for purchase online, at station vending machines, or more expensively from ticket windows. The ticket is listed as a Savings Offer (Sparangebote) when checking online timetables (English) or buy the Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket direct (German only).
It is valid for travel on virtually all buses and regional trains in the German states Berlin and Brandenburg, as well as on the train ride to Szczecin (Stettin) in Poland. The group ticket (but not in family version) is also valid on buses and trams in Szczecin. Names and dates must be written on the ticket.
The Berlin-Brandenburg-Ticket is €29 (or €49 in First Class) for a group of up to five traveling together. A parent (grandparent) with any number of own children (grandchildren) up to age 14 plus one further adult may also use the ticket to form a group of more than five. (A dog counts as an adult.) Children up to five always travel for free with parents and need not be included in the passenger count.
The ticket may be used on weekdays for any regional train (S, RB, RE) or municipal bus departing after 9 am (all day on weekends) and arriving before 3 am the following morning. If using a train or bus just before 9 am, simply buy a ticket to the first destination reached after 9 am. If traveling after 18:00 (and valid up to 7 am the next morning) use the slightly cheaper Nacht (Night) Ticket – €22.