Swiss Museum Pass

Published on

by Henk Bekker

in Berner Oberland, N24, Switzerland

Visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum in Meiringen, Switzerland

Sherlock Holmes Museum in Meiringen Englischer Kirche

The small Sherlock Holmes Museum in Meiringen near the Reichenbach waterfalls is dedicated to the world’s most famous fictional detective. Meiringen in the Haslital near Interlaken in Switzerland has been a pilgrimage site for Sherlock Holmes fans ever since Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killed off the famous fictional detective at the nearby Reichenbach Waterfalls. A … Read more

Top Sights in Schadau Park in Thun, Switzerland

Schloss Schadau Palace

The Thun Panorama, Swiss Gastronomic Museum, Scherzligen Church, small steam train, and splendid views can be enjoyed from Schloss Schadau Park Schadau Park is a pleasant public garden on the shores of the Thunersee Lake in the Berner Oberland in Switzerland. The attractions of Schadau Park include the pleasant gardens with wonderful views of the … Read more

Visit Schloss Thun Castle in Switzerland

Schloss Thun Castle in Switzerland

Schloss Thun, an authentic medieval castle, towers over the old town high above the Aare River and the Thuner See. Visiting Schloss Thun is fun. Visiting the castle requires more of a physical than mental workout with many stairs, prime views, and only a few exhibitions. The white, square castle dates from the late twelfth … Read more

Visit Schloss Spiez Castle on Lake Thun in Switzerland

Schloss Spiez Castle & Church

Schloss Spiez is an interesting historic castle beautifully located on the shores of the Thunersee near Bern and Interlaken in Switzerland. Castle Spiez is a small romantic castle with lovely gardens, a fine Romanesque church, and spectacular views of Lake Thun and Alpine peaks of the Berner (Bernese) Oberland region of Switzerland. The castle has … Read more

St John’s Convent with Carolingian Wall Paintings in Müstair, Switzerland

onastery of St John in Müstair, Switzerland

The convent of St John’s in Müstair in Graubünden is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage listed site mostly visited for its magnificent Carolingian and Romanesque frescoes, the most important cycle of figurative murals in Switzerland. Also worth seeing are the Carolingian architecture of the church and Holy Cross Chapel, the oldest multistory fortress in the … Read more

Visit the Swiss National Museum of History and Culture in Zurich

Globe in the Swiss National Museum in Zurich

The Swiss National Museum (Landesmuseum Zürich) is the largest culture and history museum in Switzerland and a top sightseeing attraction in Zurich. The Swiss National Museum in Zurich (Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zürich) is the largest and most important depository of cultural and historical items in Switzerland. The museum’s permanent displays include sections on Swiss history, furniture, … Read more